Apex Clean Energy is announcing the launch of the Kalamink Wind Community Grant Program. The program will award funds to organizations and projects supporting residents and communities throughout rural Ingham County.
As a community-based wind energy development, one of the primary goals of the Kalamink Wind project is to be a strong community partner and support residents and organizations that are working to make positive differences in the community. At a time when residents and local businesses are struggling and community organizations are seeing an increased need for support, the Community Grant Program will enable Kalamink Wind to contribute towards pressing community needs and make a meaningful impact.
“Building and strengthening community organizations has never been more important,” said Brian O’Shea, Public Engagement Manager with Apex Clean Energy. “By making these funds available we hope to provide immediate assistance to organizations working to support those in need while also investing in the future.”
Grants will be available to any individual, group, or organization working in rural Ingham County to make a positive difference in one or more of four key areas: building healthy communities, economic development, environmental sustainability, and promoting education. These four categories align with the core values of Apex Clean Energy.
- Building Healthy Communities: Programs that support public health, good government, open communication, citizen resources, and/or enhance the quality of life in the community.
- Economic Development: At Apex Clean Energy it is part of our mission to serve as a catalyst for economic opportunity and development within the communities where we operate.
- Environmental Sustainability: Programs that possess a strong link to environmental revitalization, sustainability, or education thereof, empower residents to be stewards of the environment, and/or encourage partnerships to address environmental concerns and sustainability.
- Promoting Education: Programs that support educational institutions, the advancement of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and training programs for careers in the wind industry.
Grants will be awarded on a quarterly basis throughout 2021 with up to $10,000 available per funding cycle, split among selected applicants. Applicants should be non-profit organizations that are making an impact in the listed areas of focus.
The application period for the first round of community grants will close on March 26th, though grants may be awarded prior to that date based on need. While not all applicants will receive support in the program’s first cycle, priority will be given to grants that demonstrate meaningful ways of achieving their stated objective and make a positive difference in the lives of the greatest number of area residents.
If you are interested in applying, please visit www.kalaminkwind.com/grant or call (517) 300-2114 with questions. Ingham County residents and community organizations are encouraged to apply and help spread the word.